We Attended 2023 Interzum International Furniture Fair

As Çamsan Entegre, we participated in the Interzum Yapı International Furniture Fair held in Cologne, Germany between 9-12 May 2023.

We took our place at the Interzoom Fair that took place on May 9-12

In order to follow global developments and be informed about sectoral innovations, as Çamsan Entegre, we participated in the Interzum International Furniture 2023 Fair, which was held in Cologne, the trade center of Germany, on 9-12 May. While we proudly represented our country at the fair held in May, we introduced our domestic production products to foreign investors and business partners.

We took our place with great pleasure and pride in the fair where carpet and floor covering manufacturers from all over the world participated and commercial relations were established and developed.

We exhibited our products and introduced our new collections to the participants.

As Çamsan Entegre, we will continue to represent our country with our new products and series in the following fairs.

As our company, we are expanding our export volume with our ever-increasing production capacity, and we continue to move forward with confident steps into the future with the strength we get from our country.